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1. The mean score on any class test is the result of:
(a) dividing the sum of all scores by the number of scores
(b) determining the middle score when all the scores have been listed from the highest to the lowest
(c) determining the most frequent score.
(d) Adding all the scores and dividing by the most frequent score
(e) Adding the highest and lowest scores and dividing by two
2. The least justifiable use of the results of a standardized reading test is to:
(a) identify areas of pupil deficiency
(b) evaluate the reading instruction programme.
(c) Serve as a basis for report card marks
(d) Serve as the basis for a parent conference
(e) Serve as the basis for class groupings
3. Fifteen –year old Arvind has taken to wearing the same style sweaters that his teacher wears. This form of behaviour is known as:
(a) compensation
(b) transference
(c) indentification
(d) regression
(e) egocentrism
4. At least one third of the learning that will determine later levels of school achievement has already taken place by age six. This is a statement most closely associated with the writings of:
(a) Benjamin Bloom
(b) Margaret Mead
(c) Martin Mayer
(d) Fritiz Redl
(e) Nathan Glazer
5. Of the following, the most unreliable predictor of educational achievement is:
(a) inherited biological potential for learning
(b) ethnic origin of parents
(c) family background and training
(d) classroom experiences
(e) self concept.
6. All the following are acceptable goals for dealing with behaviour problems in the classroom, except:
(a) helping the child to improve his/her self-control
(b) being impersonal and objective
(c) understanding the offense
(d) utilizing appeals to children that have personal implications
(e) punishing, when necessary, in private
7. In preparing a fifth grade class to take a standardized reading test the teacher is best advised to:
(a) tell the children the test is very important and they should do the best they can
(b) ditto key questions from a previous test and allow the pupils to answer them
(c) do nothing
(d) coach the below grade level readers, as the rest of the class will do well anyway
(e) Give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that will appear on the test
8. Of the following, the one situation that will cause the greatest difficulty for a child in the initial stages of reading instruction is :
(a) confusion of left and right directionality
(b) possessing an IQ of 90
(c) having older siblings who are successful readers
(d) never having attended kindergarten
(e) being an avid television watcher
Answers to questions on Teaching Aptitude:
1. (a) dividing the sum of all scores by the number of scores
2. (c) Serve as a basis for report card marks
3. (c) indentification
4. (a) Benjamin Bloom
5. (b) ethnic origin of parents
6. (d) utilizing appeals to children that have personal implications
7. (e) Give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that will appear on the test.
8. (a) confusion of left and right directionality
9. Of the following essentials of learning the one that takes procedure over the other is:
(a) average intelligence
(b) ability to read
(c) an intact home
(d) desire to learn
(e) a good teacher
10. A child from a disorganized home will experience the greatest difficulty with:
(a) well structured lessons
(b) independent study
(c) programmed instruction
(d) workbooks
(e) short answer tests.
11. The normal twelve –year –old child is most likely to:
(a) have difficulty with gross motor coordination
(b) have anxiety feelings about pleasing adults
(c) confine his/her interests to the here and now
(d) be eager for peer approval
(e) be concerned with boy-girl relationship
12. During the first year of life a child’s height increases by about:
(a) Ten per cent
(b) Thirty per cent
(c) Fifty per cent
(d) Eighty per cent
(e) Hundred per cent
13. The term ‘identical elements is closely associated with:
(a) group instruction
(b) transfer of learning
(c) jealousy between twins
(d) similar test questions
(e) The scientific method
14. The statement least characteristic of first grade children is that they are:
(a) too young to be taught classroom routines
(b) not yet concerned with group approval
(c) very concerned with adult approval
(d) not concerned with neatness
(e) curious and exploratory
15. The evaluation of personality is best made through the use of an:
(a) inventory test
(b) preference test
(c) survey test
(d) projective test
(e) power test
16. The current movement of behavior modification, wherein tokens are awarded for correct responses, is a reflection of:
(a) Herbart’s Five Steps
(b) Lock’s Tabula rasa
(c) Thorndike’s Law of Effect
(d) Thorndike’s Law of Exercise
(e) Pavlov’s stimulus- response
Answers to Questions on Teaching Aptitude:
9. (d) desire to learn
10. (b) independent study
11. (d) be eager for peer approval
12. (c) Fifty per cent
13. (b) transfer of learning
14. (a) too young to be taught classroom routines
15. (d) projective test
16. (c) Thorndike’s Law of Effect
17. All of the following are true about phobias, except that
(a) They are generated by an early emotional experience
(b) The sufferer cannot the impulse to avoid them
(c) The sufferer will resort to reckless activities to conceal them
(d) They can be overcome
(e) Acrophobia is a fear of open places agoraphobia is a fear of high places
18. When a pupil’s misbehavior persists even through the teacher punishes the child for each infraction, the teacher is probably practicing a policy of
(a) retribution
(b) corporal punishment
(c) negative reinforcement
(d) sarcasm
(e) repression
19. Saurabh and Suresh have the same mental age 8-0. We can conclude that
(a) they have the same potential for success in school.
(b) they have the same IQ
(c) their interests are similar
(d) their ability to learn may be quite different
(e) they copied from each other on the test
20. A child whose class is in a windowless room may have to be assigned to another class if he/she suffers from
(a) acrophobia
(b) agoraphobia
(c) claustrophobia
(d) hydrophobia
(e) toxophobia
21. The self adjective mechanism that teachers often unwittingly encourage is
(a) an attention –getting device
(b) daydreaming
(c) regression
(d) fantasy
(e) withdrawal
22. When an individual repeats those leanings that, in the past, proved to be highly satisfying such behavior can best be explained by the law of
(a) recency
(b) frequency
(c) readiness
(d) effect
(e) exercise
23. Children’s attitudes toward persons of different ethnic groups are generally based upon
(a) their parent’s attitudes
(b) the attitudes of their peer
(c) the influence of television
(d) their sibling’ attitudes
(e) their religious affiliation
24. All of the following are sound mental hygiene practices, except
(a) asking pupils to correct their answers after their tests have been marked
(b) discussing an individual pupil’s test marks with the class
(c) asking parents to sign test papers so that that they are aware of their child’s marks.
(d) Having pupil’s keep a record of their own test marks
(e) Conferring with pupils about the results of a group of tests.
17. (e) acrophobia is a fear of open places agoraphobia is a fear of high places
18. (c) negative reinforcement
19. (d) their ability to learn may be quite different
20. (c) claustrophobia
21. (a) an attention getting device
22. (d) effect
23. (a) their parent’s attitudes
24. (b) discussing an individual pupil’s test marks with the class
25. All of the following advanced principles of child development that are closely allied to the stimulus response learning theory, except
(a) Pavilov
(b) J B Waston
(c) Hull
(d) Gesell
(e) Skinner
26. All of the following can be signs that a child is gifted, except
(a) early development of a sense of time
(b) interest in encyclopaedias and dictionaries
(c) uneasy relationships with peers.
(d) Easy retention of facts
(e) High intellectual curiosity.
27. Frobel’s most important contribution to education was his development of the
(a) vocational school
(b) public high school
(c) kindergarten
(d) Latin School
(e) Play school
28. Teacher tenure laws can best be justified because they
(a) protect teachers whose political views differ sharply with those of the community
(b) Provide for stability of staffing
(c) Allow an experienced teacher to plan creatively
(d) Protect teachers from excessive requirements of principals
(e) Prevent teachers from leaving to accept positions in higher paying school districts
29. All of the following are contributing to the crisis in urban schools except
(a) the rapid increase in school pollution
(b) the disappearance of taxable property
(c) the deterioration and decline of real property
(d) the displacement of people
(e) high mobility
30. of the following, the main purpose of state certification of teachers is to
(a) monitor the quality of teacher training institutions
(b) provide for a uniform standard of entry-level teacher competency throughout the state
(c) exclude from the profession those not trained in pedagogy
(d) exclude from the profession those who are mentally unhealthy
(e) provide a basis for acceptable performance based on teacher evaluation
31. The incorrectly associated pair is
(a) Joseph Lancaster –contract plan
(b) Benjamin Franklin-academy
(c) James B Conant –high school
(d) Horace Mann –elementary education
(e) Elizabeth Peabody – kindergarten
32. When parents ask teachers about their children’s television habits, it is best to suggest that they
(a) prohibit television viewing
(b) use television for rewards and punishments
(c) allow children to watch only those programmes selected by the parents
(d) encourage family viewing and discussion of jointly selected programmes
(e) give children freedom to selected whatever they want to see
25. (d) Gesell
26. (c) uneasy relationships with peers
27. (c) kindergarten
28. (a) protect teachers whose political views differ sharply with those of the community
29. (a) the rapid increase in school pollution
30. (b) provide for a uniform standard of entry-level teacher competency throughout the state
31. (a) Joseph Lancaster –contract plan
32. (d) give children freedom to selected whatever they want to see
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