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Answers with underline
51. For use of ICT, teachers should be familiar with
A) Programming B) Browsing
C) Planning D) Handling of audio-visual aids
52. Cloud computing means
A) Computing using the satellite
B) Computing using cloud chamber technology
C) Computing which results in errors
D) Shifting computing power from offline PCs and Laptops onto the Web
53. URL is a term associated with
A) Computer hardware B) Internet
C) Laser printer D) Fax
54. 1 GB is equal to
A) 10000 KB B) 1073741824 KB
C) 1048576 KB D) 100000 KB
55. Computer virus is
A) A micro organism
B) A useful computer component
C) Electro magnetic waves entering the computer from internet
D) A programme
56. Rohith was asked to prepare a multimedia presentation as part of a seminar. Which
of the following software can be made use of?
A) Notepad B) Excel
C) Power Point D) Adobe Reader
57. In internet terminology IP means
A) Internet Provider B) Internet Protocol
C) Internet Procedure D) Internet Processor
58. Which one of the following is not a search engine?
A) Opera B) Google
C) Yahoo D) Windows
59. CLASS is the acronym for
A) Computer, Language and School Studies
B) Computer, Literacy and Studies in Schools
C) Computer, Language and Secondary Schools
D) Computer, Learning and School Studies
60. SITE stands for
A) Satellite Instructional Technology and Engineering
B) State Institute of Teacher Education
C) Satellite Instructional Television Experiment
D) State Institute of Technology and Engineering
61. Effective learning in a classroom takes place when
A) Teacher explains the lesson and students listen to it
B) Students are asked to read the content loudly
C) Students ask questions and teacher helps them to find out the answer
D) Teacher sends the students to library and directs reading books
62. The project work prepared by a student will be educationally more effective when
the teacher
A) Always helps the student in locating the necessary information
B) Avoids giving help except in guiding to get correct information
C) Gives no help in preparing the report but suggests modifications after
D) Directs the student to know the purpose of the project and prepare the
63. Of the four pillars of learning the most important one which develops the skill of
learning to learn is
A) Learning to know
B) Learning to do
C) Learning to live together
D) Learning to be
64. Which of the following is least concerned with describing the change in the role of
teachers from transmitters of knowledge to transformers of knowledge and
A) Proper coordination between theory and practice
B) In-service programmes should be improved
C) No need to insist a code of ethics for teachers
D) Trained to teach disadvantaged groups
65. Participation of students in planning educational activities in classrooms would
A) Limit teacher’s role
B) Put classroom action on a democratic basis
C) Make planning and execution a failure
D) Relieve the teacher of meticulous planning
66. The basic cause of teacher’s failure to maintain classroom discipline is the lack of
A) Competence in teaching methods
B) A constructive programme of learning
C) Knowledge of the subject
D) Consistency in his approach to discipline
67. A student in a coeducation class misbehaved to a girl student. The classroom
teacher should
A) Send the boy out of the class and ask to bring his guardian
B) Arrange meetings of the staff-council to decide the intensity of punishment
to be given to him
C) Ignore the misconduct
D) Find out the cause of misconduct and provide corrective measures for non -
68. If a student in the class is found to be disinterested it is better to
A) Ignore him and proceed with the class
B) Scold him for not showing interest
C) Complain to the authority and parents
D) Talk to him to find the reasons and correct him
69. Teacher effectiveness depends on
A) Subject mastery and teaching skills
B) Qualification and preparation of teacher
C) Classroom management and student evaluation
D) Student assignment and grading
70. The commission which has advocated for an Independent Regulatory Authority for
Higher Education (IRAHE) is
A) Administrative Reforms Commission
B) National Policy on Education
C) National Knowledge Commission
D) University Grants Commission
71. “ The destiny of India is being shaped in her classrooms”. This opening sentence
is in the report of
A) Radhakrishnan Commission
B) Mudaliar Commission
C) Kothari Commission
D) National Knowledge Commission
72. The most important quality of a teacher which the students like most is
A) Know the names of all students
B) Let the students to make all the decisions
C) The knowledge that the teacher is really ‘humane’
D) Impartial enforcement of all regulations
73. A teacher is appointed as additional supervisor for conducting a final board
examination in a school where the daughter of the teacher is admitted to write the
examination. The teacher should
A) Relinquish the appointment
B) Do the duties of an additional supervisor in conducting the examination
C) Not bring to the notice of the higher officials that the daughter of the
teacher is a candidate
D) Avoid visiting the classroom of his daughter writing the examination
74. Suppose you are a teacher in a Higher Secondary School. Which activity would
you prefer to undertake to implement the goal ‘Education for all’?
A) Becoming a member of the discipline committee of the school
B) Helping the Principal to execute day-to-day activities smoothly
C) Carrying out extra curricular activities
D) Organising a community survey study
75. A teacher is satisfied in her profession when she has
A) Good financial remuneration
B) Great appreciation from the society
C) Opportunity for social service
D) Achieved expected progress of her students
76. The function of a teacher in a democratic school system is:
A) Filling the minds of students with knowledge
B) Help students become more capable of making intelligent decisions
C) Organising and planning experiences for the class
D) Fostering the personal growth of students
77. If a student comes to your home to share his problems, you would
A) Warn him, never to visit your home again
B) Suggest him to discuss with his family members
C) Inform other teachers and the student’s parents
D) Extend reasonable help, boost his morale and counsel
78. The chief responsibility of the Headmaster/Principal of a school is
A) To provide friendly, constructive and cooperative help to teachers
B) To observe the classes of the teachers to evaluate them
C) To direct the teachers to maintain academic discipline in the school
D) Administration of the school
79. The chief purpose of Parent Teacher Association meeting in a school is
A) To finalise the way in which the finances allotted to the school can be best
B) To exchange worthwhile ideas for the development of the institution
C) To criticize the methods adopted by teachers in the teaching-learning
D) To prepare the budget for the whole school system
80. Suppose you are a teacher and come across a colleague of yours who is violating
the professional ethics for teachers. Then you will
A) Convince and persuade the colleague to follow the ethics
B) Inform the higher authorities
C) Criticize the colleague in front of other teachers
D) Ignore his behaviour
81. Being a well-known educationist you have been appointed as an examiner for
paper valuation of a test conducted by Public Service Commission for the selection
of an administrative officer. In your opinion, you should
A) Reveal to some agents that you are the examiner of the test
B) Do the work confidentially with full responsibility
C) Give more marks to those cases who have approached you
D) Ask some of your research students to evaluate the papers
82. The teacher gave home work to Sujit. He did not do it as he spent his time playing
cricket. In the next class, being afraid of punishment, he told the teacher that he
was nursing his sick grand-father. As a teacher you should
A) Neglect as it is quite common for children to do so
B) Give punishment since the excuse given by him was incorrect
C) Ask Sujit to bring his guardian to school to ascertain the truth
D) Advice Sujit that instead of telling lie he should have asked the teacher
extra time to complete the homework
83. Elementary education should be
A) Curriculum-centered B) Teacher-centered
C) Learner-centered D) Subject-centered
84. Read the following incomplete sentence and select the most appropriate alternative
to complete it: I decided to become a teacher, because
A) Teachers are getting good monthly salary
B) It gives me an opportunity to inculcate good values among children
C) It enables me to work under pleasant conditions
D) It makes me a figure of authority
85. Success of inclusive education mainly depends on
A) Establishment of child friendly schools
B) Extensive use of ICT in schools
C) Attitudinal change among parents and teachers
D) Support of the community
86. The primary purpose of using audio-visual aids in classrooms is:
A) To solve staff shortage by reducing the need for teachers
B) To make class quiet
C) To help student participation in the teaching-learning process
D) To clarify certain aspects of the learning experience
87. The aim in education according to classical realists is
A) Salvation of the soul
B) Adjustment to nature
C) Preparation for one’s vocational pursuits
D) Development of the intellectual virtues
88. The teachings of Aristotle put the philosophical foundation for
A) Experimentalism B) Naturalism
C) Classical realism D) Reconstructionism
89. Art education in school curriculum comes under
A) Scholastic ability B) Co-scholastic ability
C) Psycho-social ability D) Cognitive ability
90. Learning disability in writing a language
A) Dyscalculia B) Dysgraphia
C) Dyslexia D) Dysnomia
91. The primary aim of school education as an agent of society is
A) To prepare the child for life
B) To develop cognitive skills in the child
C) To develop vocational competency
D) To give moral education
92. The development of spiritual, individual, social, intellectual and physical qualities
of man was the aim of education during
A) Dravidian period B) Vedic period
C) Post-Vedic period D) Buddhist period
93. The 21st century is likely to be governed by two C s namely,
A) Children and Curriculum B) Cybernetics and Computers
C) Children and Computers D) Computers and Curriculum
94. The first English Medium School - Raja’s Free School was started in 1834 at
Trivandrum by the initiative of
A) Raja Ravi Varma B) Swathi Thirunal
C) Sree Chithira Thirunal D) Rani Gouri Bhai
95. A model in which students compare and contrast exemplars that contain certain
attributes with examples that do not contain those attributes is
A) Inquiry model
B) Cooperative Learning model
C) Concept attainment model
D) Inductive model
96. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of Cooperative Learning Model
A) Requires group cooperation and interaction
B) Use micro groups
C) Destroys individual initiative
D) Focuses on task to be accomplished
97. The reflective practices can be accomplished through a well defined set of
A) Content mastery B) Student centered activity
C) Readiness levels D) Field experiences
98. Skill which involves using various attention producing behaviour patterns in order
to sustain the interest and attention of the students is
A) Set induction B) Stimulus variation
C) Probing questions D) Explanation
99. Meera is a tenth class student with an above average IQ. But her achievements in
school subjects are found to be low. As a teacher you will
A) Ask Meera to study the subject with the help of high achieving peers
B) Help Meera by providing more home assignments
C) Identify the reasons resulting for low achievement and provide alternative
strategies for Meera
D) Provide time to Meera to discuss her difficulties
100. A researcher is interested to study the examination result after treating students
with a particular teaching style. In this case the teaching style is
A) The dependent variable
B) The independent variable
C) The control variable
D) The extraneous variable
101. A researcher classifies the secondary school students in the State into boys and
girls, those studying in urban and rural schools, from among government and
private institutions in various revenue districts. He uses random digit table to select
some of them from each group. This sampling technique is called
A) Systematic sampling B) Cluster sampling
C) Stratified random sampling D) Quota sampling
102. Which one of the following is not applicable to Action Research?
A) Focuses on immediate application
B) Design is simpler and flexible
C) Findings are evaluated in terms of local applicability
D) Evolve the development of a theory
103. Soma, a standard X student is always late in the class. The class teacher decided to
do a research to find out the reason. This type research is called
A) Behavioural research B) Theoretical research
C) Applied research D) Action research
104. A teacher systematically conducts weekly class tests, assigns grades on cocurricular activities of students, asks questions to all students at the end of each
class and their relative positions are recorded, grade point average of each student
is calculated. This evaluation is
A) Summative evaluation
B) Cumulative evaluation
C) Continuous and comprehensive evaluation
D) Norm referenced evaluation
105. Which one of the following is not a positive feature of ‘grading’ system?
A) Negative effect of pass and fail is eliminated
B) Indicate relative position of an individual student
C) Undue significance attached to raw scores are considerably increased
D) Test difficulty would not affect distribution of grades
106. Project method is based on the philosophy of
A) Progressivism B) Idealism
C) Pragmatism D) Existentialism
107. Daniel Goleman popularized
A) Verbal Intelligence B) Spatial Intelligence
C) Social Intelligence D) Emotional Intelligence
108. In a constructivist classroom, the teacher is
A) Authority of classroom B) Transmitter of knowledge
C) Director of learning process D) Facilitator of learning
109. Scaffolding can promote learning according to
A) Cognitivism B) Behaviourism
C) Humanism D) Constructivism
110. The relationship between learning processes and memory processes is
A) Dependent B) Interdependent
C) Independent D) Intra-dependent
111. The differences among the various abilities of a student is known as
A) Trait variability B) Individual differences
C) Differential aptitude D) Inter-individual differences
112. The problems created by students due to individual differences could be solved by
A) Better teaching focused at the average students in the class
B) Specific ability grouping with appropriate adoption of curriculum
C) Teaching aimed at the level of ability of each child
D) Group method of instruction super imposed on general ability grouping
113. Problem-solving learning occurs at
A) Memory level B) Understanding level
C) Reflective level D) Knowledge level
114. The programmed instruction is based on
A) Classical conditioning B) Gestalt learning
C) Operant conditioning D) Cognitive learning
115. Minu has an IQ 103; Sajitha has an IQ 97. From this it can be inferred that
A) Minu is more likely to achieve high in school
B) Minu’s true IQ is greater than that of Sajitha
C) Chances are 50-50 that Sajitha is brighter of the two girls
D) Both function at approximately the same intellectual level
116. Which of the following is a duty not generally expected from school counselors?
A) Coordinate the guidance programme
B) Do some classroom teaching
C) Development of school curriculum
D) Take charge of placement-cell activities
117. One of the most important objectives of guidance to students is to bring about in
A) Ability to compete successfully with peers
B) Mastery of the subject within their capacity
C) An awareness of their major weakness
D) Increased responsibility for self direction
118. When counseling a student, the first thing the counselor should do is
A) Cross examine the student to analyse his problems
B) Establish rapport with the student
C) Listen to the student’s narration of his problems
D) Check the students discipline records
119. Which one is not true for adolescents?
A) Adolescents engage in a larger and more complex range of activities
B) Adolescents break away from parental control and some maintains double
C) Adolescents are anxious to find out what role they have to play in the group
D) Adolescents show mental growth at the same positive acceleration as found
in physical traits.
120. Which one of the following would best illustrate a good leader?
A) He stands up for his views when he feels he is right
B) He encourages group discussion and group freedom in decision making
C) He tries to give the group full benefit of his personal experience
D) He takes policy decisions by himself
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